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Child Support

Practice Area Divorce Child Custody & Visitation Disputes Wrongful Death Car Accidents DUIs and Distracted Driving Father Rights Slip and Fall Business Litigation In An Instant, Your Life Can Change Forever PARTNER QUINTON WASHINGTON SHARES HIS STORY Expert Tips Maximize Your Personal Injury Case Value Get the most value out of your personal injury case. Partner Quinton Washington shares his five insider tips on how to get your case off to the best start. Noncustodial parents in Georgia are expected to provide their children with financial support until they reach the age of 18, and the state’s child support law was put into place to ensure that they do. Child support obligations are sometimes seen as unfair or even punitive, but the rules in Georgia have been designed to be as equitable as possible.  The Atlanta child support lawyers at Washington & Dreyer can help you reach a favorable outcome in your child support case. Experienced Family Lawyers Fighting for Your Child Support Case in Atlanta Child support can only be ordered after paternity has been established. Genetic testing is used to clear up any confusion when there is a dispute over paternity, and court orders may be issued to obtain a tissue sample. Paternity must also be established before noncustodial parents can initiate legitimation proceedings to pursue child custody or visitation rights. This is a complex legal area, which is why we recommend that noncustodial parents contending with these issues should consult with an experienced Atlanta child support lawyer at the Washington & Dreyer Law Firm for assistance as soon as possible. Ask an Atlanta Child Support Attorney: How is Child Support Calculated in Georgia? Georgia uses what is known as the Income Shares Model to calculate child support. This means that the incomes of both parents are considered. To determine the appropriate monthly payment, the court follows the following steps: Calculate each parent’s monthly income: This is done by combining income from employment and other sources like Social Security benefits and then subtracting qualifying deductions. Figure out the percentage each parent earns: Once the incomes of each parent have been established, these figures are combined and the contribution each of them makes is calculated. Determine the basic child support obligation: The state provides judges with a Basic Child Support Obligation Table to make this easier. This table tells judges how much money is needed to adequately provide for up to six children based on incomes ranging from $800 to $30,000 per month. Calculate each parent’s share: Judges do this by taking the figure from the Child Support Obligation Table and multiplying it by the percentage of the combined monthly income earned by the noncustodial parent. Our team of experienced Atlanta child support attorneys can help you determine if you’re paying or receiving a fair amount of child support. Making Child Support Payments in Georgia Child support payments in Georgia are usually deducted from the noncustodial parent’s paycheck by the Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Child Support Services. This ensures that there is a record of the payment, and that the money reaches the custodial parent. When this is not possible, noncustodial parents can mail their monthly payments to the DCSS or pay online using a debit or credit card. Modifying Child Support Orders in Georgia The amount of child support that noncustodial parents in Georgia are required to pay can be increased or reduced if there is a significant change in circumstances. These changes are usually made when one of the parents involved suffers a financial setback or takes a job with a higher or lower salary, but modification petitions may also be granted when the needs of the child change. Parents are generally only able to request a child support modification every two years, but exceptions are made if there has been an involuntary loss of income, or the visitation arrangements have changed. The Atlanta child support lawyers at Washington & Dreyer can explain these rules more fully and advocate on your behalf during child support modification hearings. Resolving Child Support Disputes in Atlanta Disputes over child support are sometimes contentious, and it is not uncommon for parents to conceal sources of income or take jobs that pay very little just to reduce their monthly obligations. With over five decades of combined experience, the Atlanta child support lawyers at Washington & Dreyer have helped to resolve many such disputes. Our Atlanta child support attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure that your children receive the support they need and that everyone involved is treated fairly. Contact the Child Support Lawyers at Washington & Dreyer in Atlanta Today If you would like to learn more about the child support process in Georgia or schedule an initial consultation, you can call our Atlanta child support lawyers at 404.996.1794. Alternatively, you can use our online form to reach out, and we will quickly get back in touch with you.
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Child Custody and Visitation Disputes

Practice Area Divorce Child Custody & Visitation Disputes Wrongful Death Car Accidents DUIs and Distracted Driving Father Rights Slip and Fall Business Litigation In An Instant, Your Life Can Change Forever PARTNER QUINTON WASHINGTON SHARES HIS STORY Expert Tips Maximize Your Personal Injury Case Value Get the most value out of your personal injury case. Partner Quinton Washington shares his five insider tips on how to get your case off to the best start. Discussions over thorny issues like property division and alimony can become heated during a divorce, but parents are usually able to put their personal differences aside when it comes to the welfare of their children. Studies show that about 90% of child custody disputes are resolved amicably, so the bitter court battles often portrayed in movies and television shows are actually quite rare.  With that being said, we do not advise going at it alone. There are many aspects to child custody cases that can be overlooked. An Atlanta child custody lawyer can help you reach the outcome you’re looking for in your child custody case. When parents are unable to reach an agreement at the negotiating table and these issues are left up to judges to decide, they make their decisions based upon what they believe to be in the best interests of the child. Child Custody Lawyers in Atlanta There was a time when divorcing mothers were often awarded sole custody of their children, but joint custody arrangements are now the preferred solution in most cases. That’s because researchers have found that children cope much better and develop far fewer emotional and behavioral problems when they spend time with both of their parents after a divorce. In modern divorce cases, judges tend to order joint custody unless the facts suggest that doing so would harm the child or place them in danger. Factors family law judges consider when determining the best interests of the child include: The psychological and physical health of the parents The involvement each parent has in the child’s education and social life The emotional ties the child has with each parent Records of domestic violence or substance abuse The lifestyles of each parent The ability of each parent to provide the child with a safe and nurturing environment The wishes of children aged 11 or older If you need help with your child support case in Georgia, our Atlanta child custody lawyers are here to help. The Importance of Parenting Plans Before the judge issues child custody rulings, they study the parenting plan or plans submitted by the parties involved. These documents let judges know how the child’s time will be spent and which parent will make the final decision on important matters like health care and education. Joint parenting plans are preferred, but parents can submit separate plans if they are unable to agree. If you need help drafting a parenting plan, the Atlanta child custody lawyers at Washington, Dreyer & Associates can assist you. Temporary Child Custody Temporary child custody begins when divorce is filed, and it is where a temporary decision is made about where children will spend most of their time. During this time, the court will usually order that the child live with one parent and have regular visits with the other parent. However, temporary custody is rewarded to the parent that is living in the existing marital home most of the time. This arrangement gives both parents a chance to show the court that they can care for their child while still allowing the child to maintain strong relationships with both parents. Modifying Child Custody Child custody orders can be modified if the arrangements in place are no longer in the child’s best interests. This sometimes happens when one of the parents develops a substance abuse problem or enters into a romantic relationship with a person who could be a bad influence on the child or even harm them. Either parent can petition the court for a child custody modification, but their requests are unlikely to be granted unless they can show that the situation has changed significantly and no longer serve the child’s best interests. If you need help modifying a child custody arrangement, our team of Atlanta child custody lawyers is ready to help. Our Atlanta Child Custody Lawyers Put Your Children First If you are going through a divorce and are worried about losing access to your children, it’s best to speak with an experienced Atlanta child custody lawyer before doing anything that could have a negative impact on your case. The Family Law attorneys at Washington, Dreyer & Associates have more than five decades of experience in this area, and we can use this experience to help you find common ground with your ex-husband or wife and avoid a protracted and bitter custody dispute. If you would like to discuss these matters more fully, you can call us at 404.996.1794 or use our contact form to arrange a consultation.
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Mediation, Arbitration, and Private Litigation

Practice Area Divorce Child Custody & Visitation Disputes Wrongful Death Car Accidents DUIs and Distracted Driving Father Rights Slip and Fall Business Litigation In An Instant, Your Life Can Change Forever PARTNER QUINTON WASHINGTON SHARES HIS STORY Expert Tips Maximize Your Personal Injury Case Value Get the most value out of your personal injury case. Partner Quinton Washington shares his five insider tips on how to get your case off to the best start. Going through a divorce is seldom easy and reaching an amicable settlement at the negotiating table is not always possible. The courts have the final say in these matters, but traditional litigation can be expensive and involves discussing extremely personal matters in public. There is also a good chance that both parties will leave the courtroom unhappy with the judge’s decision. Our Atlanta-based mediation attorneys can help both parties reach a favorable agreement before ever stepping foot into a courtroom. Fortunately, divorcing spouses in Georgia can avoid protracted court battles by resolving their differences through mediation or arbitration, which is sometimes called private litigation. Ask an Atlanta Mediation Lawyer: What is Mediation? The courts are very busy, and family law disputes often involve complex and thorny issues. For this reason, Georgia lawmakers have decided to make mediation mandatory in divorce cases. This means that if you file for divorce in the Peach State and cannot resolve your differences with your spouse, you will have to attend sessions with a mediation attorney before you can argue the facts in court. The Benefits of Hiring an Atlanta Mediation Attorney Mediation is not a bad thing because it can sometimes lead to a breakthrough when a long and bitter court battle seems inevitable. Mediators are skilled negotiators, and they get results by helping disputing parties to find common ground. The benefits of hiring an Atlanta mediation attorney include: It is less adversarial: Court proceedings are like a sporting contest that leave one party victorious, and the other party defeated, but mediation is designed to find a solution that everybody can live with. It is less expensive: Litigation can drag on for months or even years, but mediation often resolves contentious disputes in just a few sessions. This can save divorcing spouses a lot of money. It leads to better outcomes: Divorcing couples who resolve their issues through mediation tend to be happier with the outcome and less likely to breach the terms of the agreements they enter. How Is Mediation Different from Litigation? Mediation and litigation can both settle family law disputes, but they are very different. Mediation sessions are far more informal than court proceedings, and a mediator’s decision is not binding on either party like a judge’s ruling is. During mediation sessions, attorneys may be present to provide encouragement and advice, but they do not introduce evidence or question witnesses. Arbitration and Private Litigation Arbitration is much like mediation, but the arbitrator’s decision is binding and cannot be appealed unless it is defective in law. The chief benefit of arbitration is that the proceedings take place behind closed doors and both parties are prohibited from discussing them in public, which is why it is often referred to as private litigation. Contact an Experienced Mediation Attorney in Atlanta, GA Today! If you are contemplating a divorce or have already taken steps to end your marriage, the experienced attorneys at Washington, Dreyer & Associates could help you to prepare for mediation and sit by your side during the sessions. Our Atlanta mediation attorneys have resolved hundreds of divorce cases at the negotiating table and during arbitration, and they will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the best settlement possible. To discuss these matters further during an initial consultation, you can call us at 404.996.1794 or use our contact form to quickly get a callback. We’ll be happy to talk to you!
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Alimony | Spousal Support

Practice Area Divorce Child Custody & Visitation Disputes Wrongful Death Car Accidents DUIs and Distracted Driving Father Rights Slip and Fall Business Litigation In An Instant, Your Life Can Change Forever PARTNER QUINTON WASHINGTON SHARES HIS STORY Expert Tips Maximize Your Personal Injury Case Value Get the most value out of your personal injury case. Partner Quinton Washington shares his five insider tips on how to get your case off to the best start. Going through a divorce is often financially traumatic, and spouses who relied on their husband or wife’s income while they were married may find themselves unable to cope when that money is no longer available. Spousal support or alimony is awarded to help spouses deal with the economic fallout of divorce and prepare them for the future, but it is not granted automatically in Georgia. Instead, judges look at the facts of the case to decide whether spousal support is warranted. If it is, they can order that it be paid temporarily or permanently. An Atlanta alimony lawyer can help you reach a fair agreement in your alimony case. Atlanta Alimony Lawyers Ask an Atlanta Attorney: What is Alimony? Alimony is a form of spousal support that is ordered by the court to be paid from one spouse to the other during or after a divorce. Atlanta alimony attorneys can help you understand the different types of alimony that may be available in your case and can assist you in negotiating a fair and reasonable alimony agreement with your ex-spouse. Atlanta alimony attorneys can also represent you in court if your ex-spouse fails to make alimony payments as ordered by the court. If you are facing a divorce in Atlanta, or if you have already been divorced and need assistance with an alimony issue, contact an Atlanta alimony attorney today to discuss your case. Temporary Alimony Some divorces are resolved quickly, but others can drag on for a year or longer. Judges award temporary alimony when one spouse requires financial assistance during this time. This kind of spousal support is designed to make sure that divorcing spouses can pay their bills and cover their legal costs, and it ends when the divorce is final. Permanent Alimony While it is called permanent alimony, this kind of spousal support is rarely paid for an unlimited period unless the person receiving it is either elderly or seriously ill. Permanent alimony is awarded to help spouses adjust to life after divorce, and it is often paid while they look for employment or receive job training. There are no strict guidelines in Georgia to help judges determine how much alimony should be paid or how long it should be paid for, so each case is decided on its merits. Judges tasked with making these decisions consider the length of the marriage and the financial resources of each spouse, and they also study the events that led up to the divorce. If the spouse seeking alimony committed adultery or abandoned the marriage, the judge could deny their petition or reduce the amount they receive. Terminating or Modifying Alimony in Atlanta Alimony usually ends when the time limit established by the judge is reached or the spouse receiving it remarries or dies, but spousal awards can also be modified or terminated if there is a significant change in circumstances. Alimony is ordered based on the needs of the receiving spouse and the resources of the paying spouse, and it is subject to modification if those needs or resources change. This could happen if either spouse becomes unemployed or takes a job with a significantly higher or lower salary. Alimony may also be terminated if the judge determines that the receiving spouse is cohabiting with another person and has a marriage-like relationship with them. If you’re ready to terminate or modify your alimony agreement, our Atlanta alimony lawyers can help. Speak With an Experienced Alimony Lawyer in Atlanta Today If you are worried about being left financially vulnerable by a divorce, you should speak with an experienced Atlanta alimony lawyer before negotiating spousal support. The alimony lawyers at Washington, Dreyer & Associates in Atlanta are the subject matter experts in family law and will argue tenaciously to ensure that the outcome is a fair one. If you would like to discuss alimony or any other legal matter, you can use our online form or call us at 404.996.1794 to schedule a consultation.
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Asset Valuation and Property Division

Practice Area Divorce Child Custody & Visitation Disputes Wrongful Death Car Accidents DUIs and Distracted Driving Father Rights Slip and Fall Business Litigation In An Instant, Your Life Can Change Forever PARTNER QUINTON WASHINGTON SHARES HIS STORY Expert Tips Maximize Your Personal Injury Case Value Get the most value out of your personal injury case. Partner Quinton Washington shares his five insider tips on how to get your case off to the best start. Discussions over property division often become heated during a divorce, and it is not uncommon for spouses to accept terms that they find unsatisfactory just to put an end to them. This can be a mistake that casts a very long shadow. Our team of Atlanta-based property division lawyers fights to ensure you get a fair division of assets in your divorce. Atlanta Property Division Lawyers Many people believe that marital property is always divided equally in a divorce, but this only happens in states with community property laws. Georgia and most other states have equitable-distribution laws that require marital assets to be divided fairly but not equally. This gives judges far more discretion, and it ensures divorce outcomes are basically fair. When judges are asked to make these decisions because negotiations have failed, they consider many factors. These factors include: The length of the marriage The circumstances that led to the divorce The age and health of the spouses The value of the marital assets involved The financial and non-financial contributions each spouse made during the marriage How much each spouse earns and the sources of their incomes The economic needs of each spouse It is not necessary to prove adultery or abuse to obtain a divorce in Georgia but having your Atlanta property division attorney do so could lead to a more advantageous property division settlement. Abusive or cheating spouses may be reluctant to have their behavior made public in court, and judges may take a dim view of their actions if they are. Therefore, it would be unwise to enter divorce negotiations without an Atlanta property division lawyer if you were mistreated during your marriage or think allegations of abuse may be leveled against you. Separate Property Before property negotiations begin, the marital estate must be defined as only assets acquired and liabilities taken on during a marriage are divided in a divorce. Assets that are considered separate and not subject to division include assets either spouse owned before the marriage and gifts or inheritances they received during the marriage. Personal injury awards received during a marriage are also considered separate property in Georgia. These rules may seem fairly straightforward but determining what is and what is not a marital asset or liability can be a very thorny issue. This is especially true when: Assets have become comingled: Commingling occurs when separate assets become interwoven with marital assets. This could happen if marital funds were used to maintain or improve a separate asset like a house or a gift or inheritance was placed in a joint bank account. A business is involved: Businesses that predate a marriage could be subject to division if they increased in value significantly during the marriage. This is particularly true if both spouses contributed to the growth and success. Dividing property in a divorce can become a complex process. That’s why it is crucial that you don’t go at it without help from an Atlanta property division lawyer. Marital Debts The equitable distribution law in Georgia also requires marital debts to be divided fairly in a divorce. Obligations like mortgages and car loans may be easy to contend with, but situations become more complex when debts like student loans that benefit only one spouse were taken on. You should also understand that lenders are not bound by the terms of divorce settlements, which means they could pursue you for payment of a debt that you thought you were no longer responsible for. The Atlanta property division attorneys at the Washington, Dreyer & Associates Law Firm could recommend refinancing mortgages or taking out new loans to avoid this issue. Contact an Experienced Property Division Lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia The Atlanta property division lawyers at Washington, Dreyer & Associates have conducted hundreds of divorce negotiations and have the sensitivity and expertise necessary to help successfully guide you through the property division process. They also know how to find assets that are being concealed and discover hidden sources of income. If you are thinking about getting a divorce, you should prepare for property division talks by consulting with an experienced property division lawyer. Schedule and initial consultation today. Call our office at 404.437.6641 or use our online contact form. We’ll be glad to talk to you! iscussions over property division often become heated during a divorce, and it is not uncommon for spouses to accept terms that they find unsatisfactory just to put an end to them. This can be a mistake that casts a very long shadow. Our team of Atlanta-based property division lawyers fights to ensure you get a fair division of assets in your divorce. Atlanta Property Division Lawyers Many people believe that marital property is always divided equally in a divorce, but this only happens in states with community property laws. Georgia and most other states have equitable-distribution laws that require marital assets to be divided fairly but not equally. This gives judges far more discretion, and it ensures divorce outcomes are basically fair. When judges are asked to make these decisions because negotiations have failed, they consider many factors. These factors include: The length of the marriage The circumstances that led to the divorce The age and health of the spouses The value of the marital assets involved The financial and non-financial contributions each spouse made during the marriage How much each spouse earns and the sources of their incomes The economic needs of each spouse It is not necessary to prove adultery or abuse to obtain a divorce in Georgia but having your Atlanta property division attorney do so
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High Asset and Celebrity Divorce Cases

Practice Area Divorce Child Custody & Visitation Disputes Wrongful Death Car Accidents DUIs and Distracted Driving Father Rights Slip and Fall Business Litigation In An Instant, Your Life Can Change Forever PARTNER QUINTON WASHINGTON SHARES HIS STORY Expert Tips Maximize Your Personal Injury Case Value Get the most value out of your personal injury case. Partner Quinton Washington shares his five insider tips on how to get your case off to the best start. Property division negotiations tend to be far more serious when the assets being discussed are worth a considerable amount of money, and divorce and child custody disputes involving celebrities often attract a great deal of media attention. If you are wealthy or famous and thinking about filing for divorce, you should seek out an attorney that understands complex financial matters and is comfortable dealing with the press. The family law attorneys at Washington, Dreyer & Associates have considerable experience in high-asset divorce cases, and they have represented athletes, politicians, entertainers and other public figures.  We do this in a very discrete manner so that your rights are protected and we try to shield you from the media glare that comes with these matters.   We can also work with your media team for messaging as needed. Property Division One of the most challenging parts of a high-asset divorce case is identifying and placing a value on investment portfolios, retirement plans, works of art and antiques. Spouses who have spent years or even decades building their collections or portfolios are usually averse to seeing them divided or sold, which can place them at a disadvantage during divorce negotiations. Washington, Dreyer & Associates Family Law attorneys have a combined 50 years of experience in high-asset divorces, and they work with their clients to identify potentially sensitive issues before negotiations begin. Concealed Assets It is not uncommon for wealthy spouses to attempt to soften the financial impact of a divorce by hiding their income or disposing of or concealing assets. This has become far easier in recent years thanks to the rise of nontraditional investments like cryptocurrencies that were specifically created to protect anonymity and do not leave much of a paper trail. When financial records suggest that assets have been hidden or income concealed in a divorce case, the attorneys at Washington, Dreyer & Associates may call upon experts like appraisers, auditors and forensic accountants to help them protect their client’s interests. Placing a Value on Assets It can be very difficult to place an accurate value on assets like business interests and investments in a divorce case, and this is especially true when they were owned by one of the spouses prior to the marriage and have appreciated significantly. In these situations, several appraisals conducted by independent experts may be needed to reach a figure that both spouses can agree on. When disputes arise over the value of property in a high-asset divorce case, Washington, Dreyer & Associates Family Law Attorneys take steps to ensure that the experts called in to resolve them are both qualified and impartial. Protecting Privacy and Dealing with the Media Schadenfreude is the word used to describe the pleasure people get from the misfortune of others, and the media coverage of high-asset divorces and child custody disputes is usually designed to invoke it. This coverage is rarely fair or impartial, and it can cause a great deal of anguish in people who have done nothing wrong and are unable to fight back. Washington, Dreyer & Associates has extensive experience in handling the press and paparazzi when representing celebrity clients like the former wife of Grammy-winning entertainer Usher Raymond, Tameka Raymond. As such, our attorneys will work fervently to see that you are treated fairly and protect your privacy. Arrange a Free Consultation If you are contemplating a high-asset divorce, you should consult with an experienced attorney without delay. Acting quickly can prevent asset concealment and control the information that reaches the public domain, and it could also prevent private disputes from becoming expensive and protracted court battles. If you wish to discuss these matters more fully, you can contact us at 404.996.1794 or use our online form to arrange a private consultation.
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Practice Area Divorce Child Custody & Visitation Disputes Wrongful Death Car Accidents DUIs and Distracted Driving Father Rights Slip and Fall Business Litigation Expert Tips What Determines Child Custody? Custody battles can be confusing and scary. Don’t lose time with your kids; they will only be young once. Listen to this video from attorney Quinton Washington to educate yourself on how the process really works. As a former judge, he has the insight to help you gain the upper hand on what judges look for in custody hearings. Divorce is something that few couples think about when they walk down the aisle and exchange vows, but the harsh reality is that about half of the marriages in the United States end in this way. If you have made the difficult decision to file for divorce, you should have a legal team on your side that listens to your concerns and understands your needs. Divorce Lawyers in Atlanta, GA The laws dealing with divorce, property distribution, and spousal support are complex in Georgia, and spouses who navigate the process without legal representation usually go on to regret their decision. Whether your divorce is emotionally-charged or simply a matter of paperwork,  we are here to help.  The Atlanta divorce lawyers at the Washington, Dreyer & Associates Law Firm have decades of experience representing divorcing spouses and will fight tenaciously to defend your rights and obtain the best possible outcome. We understand that the subsequent proceedings can greatly affect the quality of the rest of your life Ask an Atlanta Divorce Lawyer: What is the Difference Between Divorce and Marital Dissolution? The terms “divorce” and “marital dissolution” are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings under Georgia law. The legal process for terminating marriage is divorce; however, the parties involved may file an action seeking marital dissolution. The primary difference between the two is whether one spouse is alleging fault of the other as the grounds for the divorce. A marital dissolution can also be referred to as a no-fault divorce. Both divorce and marital dissolution require the formal, legal ending of the marriage by the courts. The Atlanta divorce lawyers at Washington, Dreyer & Associates have decades of experience representing divorcing spouses and can assist you with your divorce or marital dissolution cases. As the subject matter experts in family law, we handle all types of divorce-related cases, including property division, alimony/spousal support determinations, child custody issues, visitation, and more. Divorce in Georgia Georgia has what is known as a no-fault divorce law, which means that you will not have to prove that your spouse committed adultery or physically or emotionally abused you to end your marriage. If you have lived in Georgia for at least six months, you can seek a divorce based on irreconcilable differences even if you still live with your spouse. However, divorces are only granted in Georgia if the couple involved has suspended their marital relations, which means that you can only seek one if you no longer have a physical relationship with your spouse. Irreconcilable differences are the most cited reasons for ending a marriage in Georgia, but divorces can also be granted based on grounds such as: Abandonment Adultery Habitual intoxication Drug addiction Physical or emotional mistreatment Incarceration Mental illness Contested and Uncontested Divorce in Atlanta Divorces in Georgia can be either uncontested or contested. In an uncontested divorce, both spouses accept that the marriage is unsalvageable and reach an amicable agreement over matters like property distribution and spousal support. In a contested divorce, these issues are far more difficult to resolve. Contested divorces can be expensive and emotionally draining, so it pays to have an experienced Atlanta divorce lawyer on your side if you think negotiations are likely to be heated. Many divorces start amicably and then become more and more contentious as they progress. Therefore, you should consider retaining an Atlanta divorce lawyer even if you do not anticipate any problems. Hiring a lawyer tells your spouse that you are serious about ending your marriage, and it also ensures that you will have a qualified professional advocating on your behalf. Divorce Negotiations Most divorces are resolved at the negotiating table because litigation is costly and arguing the facts in court involves airing personal grievances in public. When divorcing spouses are unable to reach a settlement, the judge assigned to the case may order them to attend mediation sessions. Mediation is a less adversarial process that is designed to resolve disputes by finding common ground, and it can sometimes produce a breakthrough when a lengthy court battle seems all but inevitable. Divorce lawyers do not present evidence or question witnesses during mediation sessions, but it would still be a good idea to have one with you to provide advice and guidance. In order to finalize your divorce, you and your spouse will have to reach an agreement about all of the issues involved in your situation, such as child custody and visitation, child support, division of marital property and debts, and alimony. It is always better to try to reach settlement terms outside of court. Working towards a settlement agreement allows you to have a say in these important decisions about who your children will live with, how often you will see your children, how your assets will be divided, and what debts you will be legally responsible for paying. Once a divorce proceeds to trial, all of these decisions will be left up to a judge who may see the facts of the case from a different perspective than you. During negotiations, divorce lawyers should seek to obtain the best possible outcome for their clients as quickly as possible, which means they should prepare thoroughly. At Washington, Dreyer & Associates, our Atlanta divorce lawyers gather all the relevant facts before negotiations begin, and they will not recommend an agreement that is not in your best interests. The Atlanta Divorce Lawyers at Washington, Dreyer & Associates Are Here For You Filing for
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