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Family Law

The Power of Mediation in Divorce and Custody Matters

In the last two decades, mediation has emerged as a vital resource for couples navigating divorce and custody disputes. This collaborative approach offers a way to resolve conflicts amicably without resorting to the adversarial nature of litigation. At Washington, Dreyer & Associates, we have guided hundreds of clients through mediation, helping them achieve peaceful resolutions. This blog explores the mediation process, its benefits and drawbacks, and tips for a successful mediation experience. What Happens in Mediation? Mediation involves parties meeting with a neutral mediator, either alone or with their attorneys. The mediator’s role is not to make decisions but to facilitate a mutually agreeable resolution. Once an agreement is reached, the mediator drafts a document that can be submitted to a judge for approval. This document can serve as a temporary or final order for the divorce. Pros and Cons of Mediation Pros of Mediation Efficiency: Mediation can expedite the divorce process. Parties can choose to engage in mediation early and often, leading to quicker resolutions. Reduced Conflict: Mediation encourages cooperation and can resolve cases without the need for extensive litigation. This helps preserve family relationships, which can be crucial post-divorce. Cons of Mediation Potential for Unresolved Issues: Mediation is a collaborative process, meaning that both parties must agree for a resolution to be reached. If no agreement is made, litigation may be necessary. Time Commitment: Mediation can be time-consuming, sometimes requiring several hours to reach a resolution. Patience and preparedness are essential. Why Mediation Works Mediation is a cooperative method for resolving divorces and custody disputes. By avoiding the adversarial nature of litigation, mediation allows families to maintain healthier relationships. Our experience at Washington, Dreyer & Associates has shown that mediation often leads to more satisfactory outcomes for all involved. Tips for a Successful Mediation Maintain Positive Relations: Ensure you are on amicable terms with the other party before entering mediation. Cooperation is key to resolving issues. Be Prepared with Documents: Gather all relevant documents in their most current form, such as bills, retirement accounts, assets, and debts. This preparation helps facilitate discussions and decisions. Bring Time and Patience: Mediation sessions can vary in length. Be prepared to invest the necessary time and remain patient throughout the process. The Mediation Process: A Closer Look During mediation, the mediator guides discussions on various issues, such as property division, child custody, and support arrangements. The mediator helps the parties explore different options and find common ground. Once an agreement is reached, it is documented and can be submitted to the court for approval, streamlining the legal process. The Role of a Mediator A mediator is a neutral third party who assists in facilitating discussions and negotiations. At Washington, Dreyer & Associates, our certified mediators are experienced in guiding clients through this process. They help ensure that discussions remain productive and focused on finding mutually acceptable solutions. Conclusion Mediation offers a collaborative and efficient way to resolve divorce and custody matters. By fostering cooperation and reducing conflict, mediation helps families move forward with less stress and disruption. At Washington, Dreyer & Associates, we are committed to helping our clients achieve successful mediation outcomes. If you are considering mediation for your divorce or custody case, contact Washington, Dreyer & Associates today. Our certified mediators are here to guide you through the process and help you achieve a peaceful resolution. Don’t hesitate to reach out for more information or to schedule a consultation. Let us help you navigate this challenging time with compassion.
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Barriers to Leadership While Fathering & Lawyering

By Quinton G. Washington, Esq. Founding Partner Washington, Dreyer & Associates Law Firm Edited by Anana Harris Parris and Nadia Lowe   After being injured in a horrible car accident as a young man, I remember sitting in pain, pinned between the seat and the dashboard, waiting for someone to get… me …out. If I close my eyes, I could visualize myself right back there. I questioned so many things while waiting. I questioned everything except my family and my faith. I learned the true meaning and power of family when that accident happened. Once I was out of that crushed car and hospitalized, my family was there for me every step of the way as I healed. I needed them and their support. It was a lifeline for me. Today, I am not just an attorney; I am a believer in and advocate for family. Family means blood relatives you care about or people who commit to caring about each other. Family helps people to sustain difficult times, be nourished when depleted, and to grow beyond our fears. I became an attorney because I realized after my accident I wanted to help and advocate for others to help strengthen families. What no one prepares you for is the reality that holding a family together as a father while being an attorney can feel impossible some days. The weight of expectations you put on yourself as a father, an attorney, a CEO, a community leader, a city attorney, a brother, a husband, and a son, can crush you if you don’t have a plan and support.    My law practice has now grown through the years and now expanded into Washington, Dreyer & Associates. In the role of founding partner, I not only advocate for my clients at my firm, but I also lead the legal departments of cities and governments as their City Attorney to use the law to help families in communities daily. Public advocacy is more than a position;  it includes helping the government provide quality and fair social services and government programming to all in our communities. Communities are collections of families and individuals who all deserve advocacy.    This leadership journey has not been easy. In the past, I have hidden my struggles and ignored my own needs thinking this was the answer to sound leadership. When I was tired of struggling in silence, I asked for help, accepted advice, and reached out to other fathers, lawyers, business owners, and leaders, which expanded my capacity and family of supporters. I now lead from experience as a father and a lawyer. I now accept help.  Statistically, men struggle with accepting help. According to a Psychology Today article, “Men Are Afraid to Ask for Help The negative outcomes of not seeking help.” The article states, “Men associate seeking assistance for a psychological or emotional problem with shame or weakness.” Excerpt from [3]Addis, M. E. & Mahalik, J. R. (2003). Men, masculinity, and the contexts of help-seeking. American Psychologist, 58(1): 5–14. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.58.1.5   I practice considering the aversion some men have to asking for help. Because I care about the entire family, I am one of the few male lawyers who has practiced family law for over a decade at a high level.  The reason why I work in this area is because I want men to get quality legal advice and not rely on the barbershop environment to guide their decision- making with family law cases.  As a family lawyer, I want men to see that the court system is not rigged against them.  I also work in personal injury so that I can help families get past accidents or the hurtful actions of others and move forward with the compensation and representation they deserve.   The biggest barriers to leadership while fathering and lawyering that become lessons I have learned from my work.     Stay in until it’s over. Do not abandon your case or your goal for family!  The law does not favor one sex over another.  The law favors those who play all in.  Anyone can win their case, but it requires becoming committed to staying  in until it’s over.   Ask for help. Your lawyer is there to help. Prepare your questions before your meeting and email them to your lawyer. You may be comfortable with barbershop or hair salon environments; however, an experienced attorney is the best way to position yourself to win your case.   Prioritize your mental health and well-being while going through your challenges. Your children and family need you, well no matter the struggles you are facing.   Join a support group. If you are a lawyer, business owner, or father needing support, there are several support groups dedicated to offering support. Be sure to ask our community engagement division for a referral.  Write it down. Many of us cram details, emotions, and critical case information in our minds where it gets all scrambled up. Find a journal or a special location in your phone notepad to write down your case facts or personal needs so you can have them ready when you are in the company of help.
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